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Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been formed for realizing a goal of “Enhancing and ensuring the qualitative and sustainable academic and administrative performance of the institution”and to promote the institution towards its holistic academic excellence.
The establishment of Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) was in 2016, as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure as prescribed by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). The IQAC was shaped to evaluate and achieve quality improvement in Adhi College of Engineering. The aspiration of IQAC is to enhance and ensure the quality of academic and administrative performance of the institution by developing a scheme of conscious, consistent and continuous quality progress.
The IQAC also meets regularly to assess and monitor quality issues and commence measures for quality sustenance. The IQAC happens to be one of the key components of the college which ensures quality and constant development in all the units of the Institution.
With Best Wishes and Regards
Adhi College of Engineering and Technology.
Ph: 8754152845
Coordinator IQAC
In line with the development of friendly international cooperation in accordance with our mutual interests in developing programs of academic and scholarly exchanges and for the purpose of establishing a long-term mutually beneficial association, SGIT STEINBEIS UNIVERSITY in GERMANY and GERMAN CENTER ADVANCED STUDIES, and ADHI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY in India, join in this letter of intent.
Both parties agree to excercise their best efforts to develop the following forms of cooperation:
Establishment of a common research location/Representative of the centre for transnational research projects within the framework of clean technologies use between German and Indian partners.
These agreements will fulfill the spirit and purpose of this general letter of intent.
To further their mutual interests and for the purpose a establishing long-term beneficial association between themselves, Adhi College of engineering and Technology, Munu Adhi Nagar, Sankarapuram, Near Oragadam, Chennai. 631605 and EDU India, Dubai agress to develop the following forms of cooperation as detailed hereunder.
1. EDU India shall
(a) facilitate visits of ACET students to abroad universities as well as to industries acrossthe country forthe furtherance of their academic and career goals.
(b) enable ACET students to pursue higher education elsewhere in the country as well as abroad.
(c) facilitate faculty exchange programmes between ACET and abroad Universities.
(d) execute programmes for facilitating good placements at abroad for students of ACET and help to promote research activities of ACET faculty at the college as well as elsewhere.
In return for such services as above and as may be agreed upon later on ADHI COLLEGE, agrees pay an honorarium amount to EDU India.
EDU India and ADHi COLLEGE are commited to working together on the points above. These agreements will provide logistical and management details appropriate to the successful operation of the program. These agreements will fulfill the spirit and purpose of this general letter of intent.
MOU with Austin University, California, USA with Dr.Peter, Chief academic officer, Dean, Graduate school of business(Austin University) on 18/03/2018 .
Dr.Navaneetha Sagaya Balan Krishnan, Founder and President- Malaysian Indian welfare and social development and Dr. Elanjoslan V.M, President-National Association of private educational institutions were on a visit to the ACET campus between (5/11/2017) and (8/11/2017) to explore the possibility of signing a memorandum of understanding with the college for an international student collaboration Programme.
Adhi and WKU shall mutually help for
Adhi College of Engineering and Technology (ACET)management is organizing the International Student Leadership Program (ISLP) for every year. Topper of every departments pre-final year studentwill be selected as representative and this team will visit to the leading international universities and industries at any one of the leading countries. During the year 2017, ACET team visited the universities and industries in Malaysia between 08.03.2017 and 12.03.2017.
Adhi College of Engineering and Technology (ACET) team visited to the Wolkite University at Ethiopia country, Africa from 24.01.2018 to 03.02.2018 in connection with Research Development of Mechanical Department particularly concentrated about the utilization of solar energy and composites.
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Adhi College of Engineering and Technology organized a four day international visit to Malaysia from 8 Mar 2017 to 12 Mar 2017. In which various discipline students have participated. Dr.A.Devaraju, Principal and Dr.Gayathri monicka Subarnan, Associate Professor, EEE accompanied the students in this ISLP Visit.
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