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Name of the Club: DIVAS CLUB(Divinely Inspired Victorious And Serving)
Chief: Smt.Saranya D.Saran/Correspondent
Convener: Mrs.SujathaMaran/CEO
Members: Dr. Priya Rose


One day programme on “Women and Students Business Empowerment and Bank Mela” for adhi college girls hostel students was organized Women Entrepreneurs Welfare Association – Tamilnadu on 10th February, 2018. There were total of 100 participants (First Year Girls), who attended the programme. The experts were invited from companies and bank sectors.

Download Report for more info. 

Womens Empowerment Awareness Camp

The Womens Empowerment Awareness Camp” was organized by the DIVAS - the Womens Empowerment Cell of Adhi College of Engineering and technology to promote within our institution a culture of respect and equality, promote women intellectuality and upliftment on 16/10/2017.
Chief Guest: Ms. Sneha Mohandoss, Founder and CEO, Food Bank – India.

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Inaugural Function of the Womens
Empowerment Cell

The Womens Empowerment Cell was Inaugurated here at Adhi College of Engineering and technology to promote within our institution a culture of respect and equality, promote women intellectuality and upliftment on 23.08.2017 at 10.30 am. chief guest: Dr. Sujhatha Jamuna Anand, Principal; Loyola Institute of Technology, Chennai

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Staff Co-Ordinator: Dr. Belmer Gladson. V

Celebration Of National Entrepreneurship Day

"National Entrepreneurship Day" celebration organized by EDII at Hotel Ramada Plaza, Guindy, Chennai.

Celebration Of National Entrepreneurship Day

"National Entrepreneurship Day" celebration organized by EDII at Hotel Ramada Plaza, Guindy, Chennai.

National MSME Day Celebration

National MSME Day Celebration in Hotel Rain Tree on 27 June 2018 (Wednesday) conducted by EDII, TamilNadu.

Student Design Project

Entrepreneurship Development & Innovation Institute (EDII) Govt of Tamilnadu and Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) Anna university, Chennai conducted 1 day student design project for generating innovative solutions for MSME sectors program on 20th september 2017.

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Student E-leaders Workshop

Entrepreneurship Development & Innovation Institute (EDII) Govt of Tamilnadu and Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) Anna university, Chennai conducted 1 day workshop for generating innovative solutions for MSME sectors program to “student E-leaders Workshop” for IEDP registered spoke colleges.

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student E-leader

Faculty Development Program On “Entrepreneurial Ecosystem”

Entrepreneurship Development & Innovation Institute (EDII) Govt of Tamilnadu and Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) Anna university, Chennai conducted 3 day faculty development program(7th to 9th september,2017) on “Entrepreneurial ecosystem for IEDP registered spoke colleges.

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Entrepreneurship Cell Inauguration

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Name of the Club: Inspire Club
Staff Co-Ordinator: Mr.V.Paranthaman


Name of the Club: Ramanujan Club
Staff Co-Ordinator: Mr.P.Kuppan


  • Create easy to learn concepts of mathematics.
  • Develop techniques for critical thinking.
  • Influence students to love maths and explore their hidden potentials in maths.
  • Find paths to introduce maths in creative and innovative ways.
  • Encourage the study and appreciation of mathematics.
  • Promote Exceptional Work Habits and Behavior.
  • Create a supportive learning environment for mathematics.


  • Quiz, Paper presentations, Poster presentations, Mathematical artworks/ exhibit, etc., to be organized.
  • “Life and contributions of Ramanujan” – Ramanujan Day to be celebrated.
  • Puzzles in Mathematics, Sudoku competitions to be organized.


Name of the Club: R.K.Narayan Language Club
Staff Co-Ordinator: Ms.B.Devi
Student Representatives
President: Mr. Vikas Kumar –II EEE
Secretary: Ms.Saraswathi.B – II CIVIL
Treasurer: Ms.Vaishnavi.T.S. II CIVIL
Volunteers: Africha Banu –II CSE,Nandhini II CSE
Club Members: 200 Students,6 faculties


  • To Develop critical and creative thinking among students.
  • To Stimulate Students creative thinking.
  • To help to set high standards of proficiency in English.


  • Intra/Inter-Department Debates.
  • Group Discussion on Recent trends.
  • Weekly News paper report.
  • Creative Writing session.
  • Literacy reading session.
  • Organizing contests like elocution, essay writing, one act plays, etc.,


Name of the Club: Dr.A.P.J.Abdulkalam Club
Staff Co-Ordinator: Mr.P.Sundaravadivelu


  • To stimulate and promote awareness among students that engineering physics is actually the fundamental basis of several other engineering disciplines.
  • To develop innovative skills among the students.
  • To inculcate among students a sense of social responsibility through its various activities.


A student graduating from ACET with a subject in engineering physics will have been exposed to a wide range of principles from classical and modern physics. These principles are presented with the purpose of preparing students for further study or for immediate application within a chosen profession. The goal of the ACET Physics department is to produce engineering graduates who have an understanding of the beauty and power of physics that lies at the heart of the universe in which we live.

The physics club will be proactive in organizing meetings, conferences, workshops, guest lecturers and exhibitions etc., with an orientation to suit the following:

  • To have a working knowledge of fundamental concepts in the basic areas of physics (Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism, and Thermodynamics)
  • To have an understanding of how to access and retrieve scientific information.
  • To collaborate with peers to solve physics problems and laboratory experiments
  • To communicate question results presented by the scientific community and engage in a reasonable debate on the facts of the issues.
  • To present visual documentaries on new interventions.
  • To present brief theoretical and experimental courses in understanding physical queries.
  • To participate seminars and workshops to experiment in all the physical principles particularly related with current engineering topics.
  • To present necessary mathematical tools (software) to analyze and criticize the physical problems.
  • To present appropriate guidance to students to analyze scientific problems and hypothesis.


Name of the Club: :Disney Club
Staff Co-Ordinator: :Dr.VENKATESAN. N


  • To get rid of stage fear and to make students particate in cultural events that are organized by our college like annual day, college day etc.
  • To form a college team and to participate in inter collegeate festivals and bring laurel's to our college.


Name of the Club: P.V. Sindhu Club
Staff Co-Ordinators: Prabhakaran S


  • The Club Program provides opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to participate in a variety of sports, physical fitness and recreational activities.
  • A club sport is a student organization formed by individuals with a common interest in a sport activity and exists to promote and develop interest in the various sports.


Name of the Club: Environmental Club
Staff Co-Ordinator: Dr.N.Venkatesan


  • Raise awareness and understanding of environmental issues.
  • Instill a sense of responsibility for the environment and a personal commitment to protect and preserve the environment.
  • Educate and cultivate an appreciation and interest in the environment.

The Club will involve in a diversity of programmes aimed at promoting environmental consciousness and protecting the environment. Members will contribute by providing creative ideas on how to initiate and organise programmes in line with the Club's objectives as well as in participating in hands-on "green" activities. The Club will also be working hand-in-hand with the Ministry of the Environment, Singapore Environment Council, National Youth Achievement Award Council and corporate companies, etc on various environmental issues and projects.


Name of the Club: National Service Scheme
Staff Co-Ordinator: Dr.N.Venkatesan


The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are:

  1. Understand the community in which they work
  2. Understand themselves in relation to their community
  3. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
  4. Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
  5. Utilise their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
  6. Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
  7. Gain skills in mobilising community participation
  8. Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
  9. Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
  10. Practise national integration and social harmony


  • Accident Awareness Rally at Wallajabad
  • Antipollution Awareness Rally "Pollution Free World" at Wallajabad
  • General Medical Camp
  • Nursing Camp focusing on Maternal Care
  • Importance on rain water harvesting and preventing water-borne diseases
  • Awareness on First Aid and 'Say No to Polythene Bags'
  • Visit to Mentally Retarded School, Orphanage, Old Age home
  • First Aid Training

Students have been consistently showing enthusiasm and progress. They have won prizes in competitions hosted by leading Institutions.

National Cadet Corps

Name of the Club: National Cadet Corps
Staff Co-Ordinator: Sakthivel


The main objectives of National Cadet Corps (NCC) are:

  1. Understand the community in which they work
  2. Understand themselves in relation to their community
  3. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
  4. Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
  5. Utilise their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
  6. Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
  7. Gain skills in mobilising community participation
  8. Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
  9. Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
  10. Practise national integration and social harmony


  • Accident Awareness Rally at Wallajabad
  • Antipollution Awareness Rally "Pollution Free World" at Wallajabad
  • General Medical Camp
  • Nursing Camp focusing on Maternal Care
  • Importance on rain water harvesting and preventing water-borne diseases
  • Awareness on First Aid and 'Say No to Polythene Bags'
  • Visit to Mentally Retarded School, Orphanage, Old Age home
  • First Aid Training

Students have been consistently showing enthusiasm and progress. They have won prizes in competitions hosted by leading Institutions.


Name of the Club: Youth Red Cross
Staff Co-Ordinator: Mr.R.Thirumurugan

The ACET Youth Red Cross is a voluntary humanitarian organization having a 323 student volunteers, providing relief in times of disasters/emergencies and promotes health & care of the vulnerable people and communities.


Each generation passes on the torch of development to the next. Hence it becomes the challenge for the present generation to groom the future of tomorrow and that is the 'Youth'.


The Mission of the Youth Red Cross is to inspire, encourage and initiate at all times all forms of humanitarian activities so that human suffering can be minimized and even prevented and thus contribute to creating more congenial climate for peace.

Principles of Youth Red Cross

1. Humanity : The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.
2. Impartiality: It makes no discrimination as to nationally, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress.
3. Neutrality: In orders to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.
4. Independence: The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement.
5. Voluntary service: It is voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain.
6. Unity: There can be only one Red Cross Or Red Crescent in any one country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory.
7. Universality: The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other, is worldwide.

ADHI IAS Academy


  • To hone the Communication Skills of Students.
  • To improve their Reading Habits.
  • To promote Interpersonal Skills among them.
  • To Enlarge their Vision.
  • To turn out Inspired and Committed Individuals.
  • To make Creative Intellectuals out of them.
  • To develop Leadership Qualities among students.
  • To turn Engineers into the Administrators.
  • To make them Nation Builders.

Vission & Mission


To be among the top one hundred institutions of excellence in engineering education in the country through systematic planning and development over the next twenty years.



  • To take our Underprivileged Students to their Highest Level of Excellence.
  • To convert students Dreams into Reality.
  • To Make Healthiest Competitive Environment within the campus.